Supervisory Board

Stephan Kamphues

Member of the Supervisory Board

Short Bio | Stephan Kamphues

Stephan Kamphues was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of SEFE in March 2023.

Stephan is Managing Director of Hoegh LNG Brunsbüttel and Wilhelmshaven, President of Fluxys LNG and Industry Partner of SENCO Hydrogen Capital.

From 2017, Stephan shaped the business as CEO of OGE’s parent company Vier Gas Transport GmbH, including the first 100 MW hydrogen project and other green and turquoise gas projects. At the European level, he shaped the integration of green and other low and zero carbon gases at ENTSOG and GIE.

From 2008, Stephan was CEO of Open Grid Europe (OGE)Germany’s largest gas network,. He was also elected President of ENTSOG and Gas Transmission Europe (GTE/GIE).

Previously, he headed the legal department of an international holding company. He later became a member of the Executive Board. He held various positions on the boards of holding companies. One focus of his work was consolidation and restructuring, including the transactions for the takeover by E.ON.

Stephan’s career in the energy industry began as a lawyer with a focus on Eastern Europe.

Stephan holds a degree in law from the Philipps University of Marburg, he lawyer and is admitted to the German Bar.